Monday, August 07, 2006


Sunday was a great day! Six people prayed and asked Christ to be their Savior. Four or five expressed a desire to follow Christ in baptism. To Him be praise.

I showed a video at the beginning of my sermon at 10:45, unfortunately it was not available at 8:30. Hopefully you will be able to watch it here.

The video was about Dick and Rick Hoyt. Rick was one of three children born to Judy and Dick Hoyt. Due to complications, Rick was born with Cerebral Palsy. The Hoyt family made a decision to raise Rick as normally as possible. He went to regular school and graduated not only from High School but college. He communicates with a special computer. They did not try to protect Rick from life and taught him and worked with him to meet life head on. Wow that's inspiring.

At 15 he told his family he wanted to run a marathon. His Dad, not a runner, began training and he and Rick have been running ever since. Not just marathons but even an iron man event. These parents were determined to give their children the best-themselves.

In this world we can get so distracted that we relinguish our role as parents to media and to self determination. Children need their parents and love spelled T-I-M-E.

Our focus needs to be on Christ first, foremost.

In the up and coming weeks I am going to look at Biblical knowledge in parenting, intimacy in the midst of parental responsibility, Boundaries that must be set consistently, strategy and structure for successful parenting and team work necessary for the family to succeed in a world that wants desperately to redefine the family. That is quite an undertaking but a necessary start. I am dedicated to helping families become what God desires them to be.

Father, it is hard sometimes to stay focused in a world of voices. Each calling "Come this way" "do This" "Do that". Help us hrough Your Power and strength to re focus and stay focused on You and Your Way. In Christ. Amen


Blogger sarahsloan said...

I was awestruck Sunday when watching this video. Most people could never imagine the determination and dedication it took for that father to do what he did for his son. I try to get up each morning with an attitude of dedication and devotion to my children first and foremost.I'm sure many days I fail. Thank for the inspiration this mans story brings. The next time I begin to feel weiry from the demands of motherhood I will remember Mr. Hoyt.

10:25 AM  
Blogger Jonathan Branch said...

as inspiring as the video is, i think it touched me more so because of the event it showed the father and son doing together. when i was in high school, i was a big fan of endurance sports, especially the ironman triathlon. at one point the video shows them during the cycling leg of the race. i can't imagine what was going through that father's mind as he pedaled his bike while looking down at his son laying in front of him. i pray that i will develop that same self sacrifice for my wife and son.

6:15 AM  

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